Friday, September 14, 2007

SME's hate mail

Well, even though Tweets was generous enought to honor me with a "Nice Matters" award yesterday, there are some people don't think of me as nice. At all. In the last two months I have been called an accomplice to crimes against children, a CIA mole, a slandering and libeling accessory after the fact to war crimes, and a "sand n*****". (Yeah, I don't get that one either...) Far from being offended, I actually find most of this hate mail amusing because it doesn't make an freaking sense whatsoever. So, for entertainment purposes, a sampling of my hate mail...

Warning: Original language intact.

From GypsyWitch (an "open-minded" young lass on YouTube; I objected to her comment "It's you sand n*****rs who cause all the wars"): "I didn't insult an entire race. Insulting an entire race would sound something more like this: "Sand niggers are all stupid." So you see, I only called one person a sand nigger and it's because he insulted me first. So until saying the words "bitch", "whore", "cunt", "skank", or "dyke" officially insult and entire gender, I'll say the words "sand nigger" as often as I want to. So fuck off, sand nigger."

Excerpts from a 5-page letter from a chiropracter in Winnipeg, responding to my review of his ill-prepared "presentation" on the psychospiritual aspects of 9/11 Truth at the Vancouver conference: "[the natural health movement] taught me to have patience with people like you. People who seek to have "reality " handed to them in a nice clear, logical, scientific "box"...I would love to see you report on how Ghandi, or Martin Luther King are just a bunch of confused people speaking about "god", "spirit" and "soul" as if it was make believe reality. I am so glad you are hear to enlighten us all...On a personal note [SME], you don't have a fucking clue who i am, what i have done, or who i am connected to...The only question i have for you dear lady, is are you fully aware of what you are now involved with?"

And from an exopolitics activist/lawyer, angered that I questioned the validity of his statements that aspartame was deliberately designed and used to make people sick and stupid: "Stop being a tool of the Depopulation policy and an accessory after the fact to War Crimes...I would accuse you it manipulative slander, or libelous manipulation?"

And then there was Alex Constantine, a conspirologist upset about my aspartame comments but also my Satanic Panic research (he mistook me for a guy at first): "There is a blogger on the Net - S.M. ELLIOTT - who is part of the "Satanic Panic" disinformation campaign, which covers up federal involvement in cults. This is a game that has gone of for about 20 years to discredit victims of abuse related to mind control activity, many of them children. Elliott, one of these clowns, claims that ritual abuse claims are "exagerrated" - and if you buy it, you, too, are a victim of CIA mind control.

Elliott's is propaganda for the uninformed - opinion formation.

S.M. Elliott also claims that aspartame is safe to ingest. He is a dangerous criminal, not a blogger. (I've been doing this full-time for 20 years and can smell a mole a mile away. Elliott is one of them. Consumer beware.)I invite Elliott to sue me for libel if I have sullied his reputation. But he won't sue for libel. He's a MOLE and has no grounds to sue."

And of course I couldn't leave out the Quixtar/Amway folks, though I receive far more sympathetic emails and horror stories about Amway than negative ones. Here's one from Dan Jameson: "I'll try to write this coherently, although I can't stop laughing at you. You have six months of third person experince with amway and you act like you know what you are talking about. I'll tell you I'm proud as hell to be a Quixtar IBO....I'm so proud of this business I'll actually put my name on this. something you shit flingers wont do." (actually, every "shit flinger" who commented on that post used their blogname)

Nobody likes me. Everybody hates me. Guess I'll go eat worms.


tshsmom said...

I love you! ;)

If it's any consolation, Alex hates me too.

Wandering Coyote said...

That is so funny. I mean, it's not, but it is, if you understand. That chiropractor needs an editor...And, correct me if I'm wrong, but is he comparing himself to Ghandi and MLK in that paragraph? If so, that tells me all I need to know about the guy.

And Alex daring you to sue him...THAT was funny.

How do you get hate mail, anyways? I only have the odd anonymous lurker who sporadically leaves nasty comments. Your life is way more exciting than mine!

Karen said...

Oh SME :) The only mail I get are requests from Nigerian government officials asking me to help them free up bank accounts for deceased relatives. I'm jealous...

It's a shame that all of those people want you to accept what they're spouting as fact but are so inflexible that they can't understand there just might be other views out there.

You're handling it much better than most!

PS: On CBC Newsworld this Sunday (16th?), they're showing a documentary on The Falling Man (I think it's on the Passionate Eye?).

S.M. Elliott said...

It is funny stuff; cheap entertainment. But also weird, because I really didn't go out of my way to offend any of these people. I just said "aspartame doesn't make you suggestible" and the lawyer and the conspiracy dude went into attack mode. The Psychopracter is just peeved that I'm not a 9/11 Truther and that I don't accept his genius. So, to sum up, 9/11 Truthers (except Richard) and aspartame-haters and Amway salesmen loathe me, but Satanists and people who know Amway salesmen are A-OK with me. It's complicated.

S.M. Elliott said...

Oh, and I think the Psychopracter was most definitely likening himself to MLK and Ghandi. As freakin' if...

tshsmom said...

I love you! :(

S.M. Elliott said...

Love you least not everybody hates me! I can't eat worms, anyway; I'm vegan. :D

redjane Stephanie Belding said...

Oh my god, that's hysterical! I mena, like WC, it's not but it is, you know? And, like W, I htough t I had some mad haters- I get some nasty comments from people who loathe my vegan self absorbed, obnoxious, holier than thou self (that's a close quote)but ho-ly, yours are actually quite scary.
Why do I make the assumption they're all americans?
Psychopracters? I love it.
Wow. Well, kudos to you for letting it all roll off your back- they definitely define themselves with their use language and the fact that they took the time to contact you.
And by the way, I rather enjoy you and your writing. Always have always will.
Your militant, obnoxious, self pitying vegan nazi fellow blogger....;)

S.M. Elliott said...

Well, RJ, we self-righteous CIA vegan war criminals need to stick together, so thanks!
At least one of these haters is Canadian...the chiropracter from Winnipeg, who shall remain nameless 'cause I don't need any more of his overwrought weirdness at the moment.

Hawkeyi's Blog said...

I love u too :)

Hawkeyi's Blog said...

she likes to ruffle feathers including mine once in a while