Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sophie's Evening Out

We took Sophie for a sunset walk tonight:
2. "MUST. DIG."


tweetey30 said...

The girls just love looking at her and talking about what she is doing. I think if you would have brought her with when you came they would have had a hard time letting her go. LOL>.

tweetey30 said...

Ps you have been tagged.

S.M. Elliott said...

Heehee, Richard's like that with her. He reminds me of the Snow Monster in those old Daffy Duck cartoons: "I'll hug him 'n' squeeze him and name him George!" And Sophie's like, "Get away from me!"....until he offers her a cracker.

Wandering Coyote said...

Just like my roommate's cat!

Bridget Jones said...

Boy, Sophie speaks volumes with that little face....