Thursday, September 20, 2007

Stuff 'bout SME (tag)

Tagged by Wandering Coyote

Two Names You Go By:

1. Bear (Richard's name for me, with add-ons like "Growly")

2. "Pumpkin Doodlebug" (but only with my grandmother)

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:

1. fugly-but-comfy long periwinkle sweater from Mirabelle

2. polka-dot Polar Feet socks from MEC

Two Things You Would Want (or have) in a Relationship:

1. Mutual trust (have it)

2. Mutual respect (have it)

Two of Your Favorite Things to Do:

1. Read about/research unusual stuff, learn something new

2. Hang out with family and good friends

Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:

1. World Peace, seriously. I don't want the tiara or the flower bouquet, I just really want world peace.

2. The Sims 2

Two Longest Car Rides:

1. Roughly 91 hours in the car, Edmonton to Minnesota to Southern Ontario with many side-trips along the way.

2. The drive back.

Two Favorite Holidays:


2. Groundhog Day, 'cause it's the only rodent-related holiday

Two Favorite Beverages:

1. Coca-Cola (I know, I know - it's just sugar and water and chemicals. But we all have to have some bad habits!)

2. herbal teas, green tea, chai, tea in general

Two Things About Me You May Not Have Known:

1. I love Victorian dollhouses.

2. I got the chicken pox from Z-kid when I was about 20 and I looked like the zombies in Grindhouse for over a week.

Two Jobs I Have Had in My Life:

1. McDonald's "cook"

2. Liquor-store clerk

Two Movies I Would Watch Over and Over:

1. Lately, Zodiac and

2. The Night Listener

Two Places I Have lived:

1. Minnesota

2. Northern Ontario

Two of My Favorite Foods:

1. spinach

2. red bean-paste pastries

Two Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:

1. in the mountains

2. in the foothalls, approaching the mountains

Four People I Tag:

La Cremiere at Living it Up

Laura at The Sarchasm

Romero at Like a Roving Stone

Karen at Voyages of the HMS Swiftsure


La Cremiere said...

I like the sound of pumpkin doodlebug. I'm afraid I haven't got anything this exciting but I'll try... We don't have any rodent-related holiday in France either. ;P

Bridget Jones said...

What a cool meme, and very interesting answers!

Don't you have President's day there (speaking of rodentia, at least for the current one)?

S.M. Elliott said...

Heehee, President's Day would definitely count as rodent-centered, now that you mention it. ;D