Thursday, September 06, 2007


Still not much to blog about. The Fall Reading Challenge is underway, so I've got my nose buried in a book most of the time. ;)
Which is a great thing, 'cause TV has been godawful. The other day PBS ran back-to-back documentaries on molluscs and gourds.


tshsmom said...

I'm happy that your brother's attention span is better right now, so he's able to read for long periods. None of us can find ANYTHING on TV. The only thing I've watched recently are Will and Grace reruns.

I LOVE your new quote!

Anonymous said...

I could stomach a show on mollusks, but not one on gourds. That would suck.

S.M. Elliott said...

It was about giant gourds. But still. ;P

tweetey30 said...

I am only one third of the way through my first book for the fall reading challenge and I couldnt stomach watching these reruns or about those things. Yuckie. So I either have my nose stuck in my book or crocheting again since its that time of year. My mom brought me a box of yarn when they came down.

Wandering Coyote said...

Looking forward to Sept. 17 when the new season of Prison Break starts, and soon after all my favourite shows are back on! It's been a long summer with reruns!

Karen said...

Gourds are awesome.

S.M. Elliott said...

It's not that I have anything against gourds, really I don't...I just don't think I could watch a documentary about them. I'm not that bored yet. Ditto for mollusks. They're cute, but kinda sedentary. ;D

Notta Wallflower said...

Yeah, tv has been pretty bad. We watched the last part of Blankman on Saturday, and I have no idea why. :-/ That's 30 minutes of my life I'll never get back. :-P

S.M. Elliott said...

Ew, Blankman. I had to refresh my memory about that one by Googling it. I wish I hadn't.