Wednesday, October 10, 2007

7 Things Tag

Tagged by Tweetey. I'll make this one a voluntary tag only, since I think a lot of people might've done this already. Just tell us seven things about yourself, and explain them a little.

1. I love bats, rats, flying squirrels, ground squirrels, and just about any other rodent or rodent-like critter. They're so fun to watch, and very feisty; you'd think small prey animals would be all timid and shy, but they most certainly are not.

2. I love autumn and winter: The crispness and freshness in the air, the crunchy feeling of leaves underfoot, the sparkle of new snow. I don't think I could live anywhere that didn't have snow.

3. Karen's last post reminded me...I unapologetically don't like Che Guevara. Like most "selfless" revolutionaries he was a thug, a mass murderer, and a fascist. And please explain to me: If Marxism is so bloody marvelous, why is "post-Communist" Russia's greatest export women of child-bearing age? Why are Cubans piling into crappy little boats or onto leaky rafts on the off-chance they might reach, of all places, Florida?

4. Whew. OK. Just thinking about Che is giving me a headache. I'd better stick to things I goofy-looking teddy bears. (I have a mini Goober on my desk) They always give me warm fuzzies.

5. I'm fascinated by accounts of alien abduction. They're a lot more interesting and complex than you might's not all about UFOs and rectal probes.

6. My favorite song lately has been Chris Isaak's Can't Do a Thing To Stop Me. It was a hit when I was a kid, but I recently rediscovered it and I love it.

7. My favorite magazines are Harper's, Vanity Fair, and Skeptical Inquirer. But I can't resist Mad now and then.


tshsmom said...

Did you know that Oct 9th is the anniversary of Che's death? Dirtcrashr is pushing to have this holiday replace Columbus Day. I like that idea!
During our discussion, Monica said that she has a Che shirt. Only her shirt says "Murdering, Communist Bastard" under the familiar picture of Che. I WANT that shirt! ;)

S.M. Elliott said...

I like the No Che T-shirts with his face crossed out. I definitely wouldn't want Che Day replacing Columbus Day...that's just swapping one murderous dickhead with another.

tshsmom said...

No, no, no...we'd be celebrating Che's DEATH!

S.M. Elliott said...

Oh, well that's cool then. Count me in. ;D