Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lizard Men, Unhappy Pharoahs, and Hippies

So, it's been a fairly quiet week. Not for Richard - he's been doing 9/11 Truth stuff nearly every day, and running into some rather strange people. Today a man pressed into his hand a teeny-tiny handwritten note instructing him to go to a certain bookstore if he wants to buy anything by David Icke (the Brit who believes fourth-dimensional reptilian Satanists from Mars have interbred with the great dynasties of planet Earth). Apparently, because some moron believes "12-foot-tall Reptilian Satanist" is a code-word for "Jew", it's becoming very difficult to find Icke's books in Canada. This cracks me up for two reasons...1. Icke really, truly believes there are 12-foot-tall reptilian Satanists running around. Anyone who suspects otherwise is giving him too much credit. And 2. He hates all organized religions. He makes it clear that he's not picking on any particular one. Not to mention, his books address Reptilians and Jews separately; if he was using code-words, I think he'd use them consistently.

Some people have far too much time on their hands (me included).

I watched some of The Mysterious Death of Cleopatra on the Discovery Channel. Not bad. But I still think death by snake isn't as outlandish as it sounds. It's not like she had a lot of options.

Finally, there are some new movies I'd like to see: Michael Clayton, Lady Chatterly (though I don't think it could top the Sean Bean/Joely Richardson version), and Into the Wild

Right now I'm going to settle down with a tea to watch the rest of Easy Rider (suggested new title: We Have to Get to Mardi Gras 'Cause Burning Man Hasn't Been Invented Yet).


Laura said...

Reptilian satanists? Really? Sounds like a Stephen King novel. I'd be interested in reading that just to see what it's all about but I don't want to give that ass-clown any money.

tweetey30 said...

Any luck at the library like everyone keeps asking me about the HP books. I own the first three and have a hard time with the not the full set so when we get a few extra dollars I will pick up the next one. LOL...

S.M. Elliott said...

Laura, just check out his website: I made the mistake of buying one of his less-outlandish books before I knew what he was all about, but lucked out and found one his weirder books at the library (like Tweetey's Harry Potter books, they're nearly always checked out).

Anonymous said...

What I'm wondering is how 12-foot-tall reptilian Satanists became a code word for Jew. It boggles my mind. Someone out there must have a serious persecution complex. I've thought 12-foot-tall reptilian Satanists would more refer to a Lithuanian, but that's just me.