Friday, November 09, 2007

Not the best day

Demi and/or her friend got in trouble for shoplifting. She was upset when she called so I didn't get a coherent story.

Richard's work foreman, the one he painted the car mural for, had three heart attacks yesterday. He and his wife are incredibly nice people; I feel terrible for them.

I'm not sure I can keep reading Gravity's Rainbow, for the reasons I posted yesterday and because it's getting very gross, and racist, and even more nonsensical (if that's possible). A man dives into a toilet both to retrieve his harmonica (why not just buy a new one!?!?) and to avoid the black men in the nightclub he's in, because he knows that black men will try to gang-rape him (and they do). He doesn't find his harmonica, but he gives minute descriptions of all the varieties of sh** he finds in the sewer. Then he ends up outside a barn.

In my own defense, I have to point out that Pynchon told his friend Jules Siegel: "I was so f****d up while I was writing it . . . that now I go back over some of those sequences and I can't figure out what I could have meant."
Forgive me if I sound like a snob, but I just cannot picture Nabokov or Dostoyevsky saying, "Yeah, I was really f****d up when I wrote that one, let me tell ya..." Even William Burroughs made more sense than Gravity's Rainbow.


tshsmom said...

Aaron said that Dem's friends worried him. Looks like he was right. :(

Don't be stubborn; give up on that POS book!

S.M. Elliott said...

Well, she has a lot of friends and most of them are OK. Just a few bad apples, I guess.

Pages 80-122 in GR were actually really, really good! I'm glad I didn't give up on it now. I'm just hoping the next 640 pages are tolerable...

tweetey30 said...

You know Sme all kids have friends that some of us parents just dont like and I know you are just the evil Stepmother LOL... She needs some one to confide in.. So its hard to know who to like and not to like.

Bridget Jones said...

Holy cow. Hope your friend is OK, that sounds terrible (both of them). Look out, things come in threes...maybe this'll be an exception?

Your mom is right about the book...ew.....

S.M. Elliott said...

The "good" thing is, the experience freaked Demi out and I doubt she'll be going into any more stores with that girl or doing anything like that again.

Doug (the foreman) is doing as best he can at the moment. His heart's working at about half its normal strength. I feel for his wife a lot because she's a depressive, too.

I'm going to keep at the book for now. Honestly, 40 pages of it were fantastic.

tshsmom said...

As you know, from your teen experiences, getting caught is the BEST thing that can happen.

Bridg, see what I mean? My kid is totally stubborn. I can't imagine where she gets that from. ;)

Bridget Jones said...

Tshsmom, you're right. SME sounds TOTALLY different from you (ROFL)!