Friday, December 14, 2007

The Right to Be Frivolous

After listening to a mere 20 minutes of an Alex Jones broadcast, my blood pressure has probably gone up. He spent a good 5 of those minutes excoriating people for buying frivolous Christmas gifts like clothing and sweets and Pagan-inspired Christmas decorations - buy paranoia-drenched, pseudohistorical shit from him instead! Annoy your friends! Depress your family! Make everyone wish you'd get carted off to a FEMA detention camp so they don't have to listen to your fatalistic bullshit a minute longer! And to top it off, an ad in which a father urges his son to give up Spongebob and listen to paranoia radio instead.
Heading over to Facebook to clear my head of this brain pollution, I encounter the group "Leaving Facebook". That's right. A call for people for people to abandon the cryptofascist, omnipotent entity known as Facebook...posted on Facebook. Gawd. If you're concerned about the longevity of your online presence and the government's use of it, don't have an online presence. In fact, don't have any presence - 'cause if the government wants to find you, it will. Get used to it. Don't panic. Don't fret. Just deal. Unless you're doing something naughty, you probably have less than nothing to worry about, anyway.
And don't you dare tell me that I'm frivolous, or media-controlled, or that I'm under Reptilian-spaceman mind control, or whatever the hell else you think is wrong with everybody except you. I'm a depressive and I don't have the luxury of lapsing into gloom-&-doom paranoia as a hobby. I like Spongebob. I will watch TV if I damn well feel like it. I will laugh my ass off at lolcats. I don't need to submerge myself in crazy endtimes fear-mongering to justify my existence on this planet or to prove I'm not one of the sheeple.
Sure, I'm concerned about defending my rights, but those rights include the right to be frivolous once in a while!


tweetey30 said...

I have never said anything bad about facebook. I just dont want to down load anything from it into the computer. We have had troubles with it as it is. So I just leave it there to keep in touch with a few people but I prefer my blog.. LOL.. A big thank you for helping me get started here.

Laura said...

wait a minute... what's wrong with facebook?

I don't see anything wrong with buying some things for christmas, but I have been pushing for a "downsizing" in my family. The sheer amount of "stuff" that changes hands this time of year is, at least for us, ridiculous and unecessary.

tshsmom said...

That's what I have against these conspiracy groups. They get overwhelmed by paranoia and live their lives in fear. You and I have seen more than enough of that in our lives.
Life is short; enjoy it while you can!

S.M. Elliott said...

One person on the "Leaving Facebook" group pointed out that Facebook is a tool like any other - it can be used wisely, or abused. I agree with that. It's not some mind-control gizmo cooked up by the Powers that Be, fer cryin' out loud. Either use it a little bit and enjoy yourself, or stay off it and hush, I say. These folks were up-in-arms about advertising this and corporate that, and how the government is probably using Facebook info to "stalk" citizens. One person was alarmed that Facebook somehow "knew" her friend had died and removed his/her page, not stopping to consider that maybe a relative of the person requested that the information be removed? I mean it's fine to be concerned with privacy issues and to protect yourself to an extent, but thinking that you can get through life on this planet without anyone anywhere knowing anything about you is unrealistic.

Laura, I can totally see the benefits of downsizing at Christmas and keeping things simple. I'm all for that. If I could somehow morph all the holiday soap baskets I've received over the years into something useful, I would...

The Zombieslayer said...

Alex Jones always starts off interesting, then he goes off on some paranoid conspiracy tangent. I've seen a few of his videos. I'll agree with the first few minutes, then suddenly, the government is out to get everyone. I don't buy that. I think the government is too inept to do too much damage, and when we give the government more power, it just gets more inept and wastes more taxpayer money. That's why I'm for limited government, not because of paranoia but because big government is a waste of money.

S.M. Elliott said...

Ha! Yeah, you pretty much nailed it, ZS. I watched the first 20-odd minutes of "Endgame", and Jones's initial musings about the Bilderberger group more or less made sense. Then he started ranting through his stupid bullhorn and talking about how Julian Huxley leaked plans of the New World Order mind-control agenda to his brother Aldous for inclusion in his novel. Uh...huh...

tshsmom said...

My thoughts EXACTLY ZS!
Conspiracy theorists are always ranting about FEMA detention camps. C'mon! FEMA can't handle a natural disaster like Katrina. What makes them think FEMA could round up myriads of armed citizens?