Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year's Eve fireworks...

...from our very own living-room window! All the fun and frivolity of fireworks without the jostling crowds, the cold feet, the spilled hot chocolate! (We took in the entertainment earlier in the evening, when the crowds were thinner and slightly less drunk).
Also, we could listen to music from Twin Peaks while enjoying the display, rather than hearing "YMCA" or Gloria Estefan for the umpteenth New Year'e Eve.

Other parts of this last day of '07 were bizarre and rather disturbing. I'll post about that stuff after I've had a good night's sleep...


tshsmom said...

Wow! You've got a better view than we have for the July 1st fireworks.

S.M. Elliott said...

Pretty groovy, huh? There are some advantages to downtown living!