This week I learned that rabbits' spaz attacks are usually called "binkies", and that they "bink" because they're really happy, not because they're mental or being hassled by poltergeists as I originally suspected. I realized I hadn't seen Sophie do any binking since before Christmas, when I took up the throw rugs. So I put one back on the living-room floor, and now she's binking like crazy again - our concrete floors are simply too slippery for binkage.
Well, she still could be hassled by poltergeists... you just never really know.
How odd. Binkies... Oh well, she's way too cute for words regardless of her spaz attacks. I always just blame it one the weather when my cats go bonkers. If you've got hardwood or linoleum floors I suppose it's probably much more difficult for Sophie to get around...
lol Who developed that definition? I suspect it was the bunnies themselves....Sophie must be very happy!
The "binking" is actually really cute. Sophie'll be playing and she'll suddenly boing about a foot into the air and land backwards, or she'll spin around in crazy little circles like she's being chased. Dogs kind of do the same thing when they tuck in their tails and go racing around like maniacs with their tongues hanging out. I think it would just annoy me if I started to bink right in the middle of something, tho...Imagine being in the middle of a conversation and suddenly bouncing around til you're at the other end of the room. "Sorry, dude, I just had to bink..." ;D
She sounds so cute and glad to hear you found your difinition.. Anyway you hav been book tagged at my placee..
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