Friday, February 01, 2008

The Real Energizer Bunny

This is adorable...the most hyperactive bunny I have ever seen. Sophie has spaz attacks from time to time, but this guy is like Twitchy McSpasm.

(for some reason I can't embed this one)


tweetey30 said...

That was cute.. Now that gives a new meaning to dust bunnies under the bed.. LOL.. Thankfully the girls are outside with me laughing so hard.. At least they cant look at me like I have three ears or something.

S.M. Elliott said...

Heh heh, I was laughing at this one too...I think that bunny's on meth.
I wonder sometimes if rabbits think humans are the funny ones, following them around with cameras all the time like celebrity-stalkers.

tshsmom said...

That has to be the real Beezlebunny! Did you see all the bunny barricades?

S.M. Elliott said...

Holy crap, yes!! And I thought it was hard to keep Sophie out of stuff - at least she doesn't move at Mach-1!
This is your bunny. This is your bunny on crack. Any questions? ;D

Bridget Jones said...

Wow what are they feeding that poor thing??

S.M. Elliott said...

Firecrackers and Red Bull, I think...