Saturday, February 09, 2008


I seem to be coming down with a cold and don't really feel like posting or visiting much at the moment...Enjoy this Pib & Pog cartoon from Aardman while I recuperate a bit.


Karen said...

Yuck-sick again? Hope you feel better soon.

tshsmom said...

You need more fresh air!
Love you!

S.M. Elliott said...

Well, at least I'm getting it out of the way now...I'd hate to catch a cold right before vacation.
I'm not sure if more fresh air would've helped, but I sure could use more sunshine!

Notta Wallflower said...

I hope you get better soon! I will send good thoughts and visions of chicken soup your way!

tshsmom said...

Hopefully this isn't monsoon season in Taiwan.

S.M. Elliott said...

Thanks muchly, Notta, but you'd better make it veggie soup! ;)

Monsoon season is over, but Paul says they're getting "cold" weather: 10 above. ;D