Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Say It With Nature



Bridget Jones said...


tweetey30 said...

Funny my old friend.., Very funny. Thanks for the laugh..

tshsmom said...

Me neither! ;)

S.M. Elliott said...

See, even the trees don't like him...

Notta Wallflower said...

well, you and the trees are not alone. :-P I think his approval rating is one of the lowest - like 32% or something. ouch! I don't think Nixon was even this low...

S.M. Elliott said...

If he wasn't so arrogant and duuuhh, that might actually bother him.

Anonymous said...

Well, with everybody not likin' Bush (well, duhh)...we're now down to our usual choices, mainly the lesser of the evils.

Clinton...she's been in the white house already..but so has the pastry chef..I'm not voting for him either.

McCain...killed by the media (and the public)..pretty hard to get a handle on him when you can't use 'old' or 'geezer' or 'getting on' in the same paragraph...

Obama...even with all the hype, I still get the deep-down feeling nothing's gonna change...he'll probably win...but at what cost to us?? his whole platform has been CHANGE...but it ain't gonna.

Write in somebody...anybody...make an individual choice....

S.M. Elliott said...

Hence the formation of the Cult of Ron Paul. His disciples - and he even has them here - hope he'll get enough write-ins to wake up the powers that be, or something.

But could be change anything, either? Hard to say. For that, you have to work within the system, and he doesn't strike me as a system typa guy. He'd get smushed by the machine.

I'd be OK with Obama. I haven't seen anything about him yet that made me go YEEK, as with Hilary and McCain. Sure, he won't change anything, but he might not make things worse. That's probably the best you can hope for.