Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I Want to Believe, But You People are Just Too *$%#@& Crazy

Just saw the new X-Files movie. Not bad. Catholic miracles (?) combined with Dr. Moreau. As always, it's more about crises of faith and belief than it is about weird stuff.

And speaking of weird stuff, this is the latest announcement from my pal (actually, to be slightly more accurate, my foaming-at-the-mouth mortal enemy) Mr. Webre. He makes Fox Mulder look sane...

The Mount Adams Statement


tshsmom said...

Psychic seismology, eh?
Does this mean he's dropping the chemtrail BS?

Sounds like he's been having some private conversations with Ashtar. Does this mean the release of NESARA is imminent?

Don't forget...God is on the mother-ship! ;)

How long will it take AW to Google this and comment?

tshsmom said...

Almost forgot....
Does this mean you'll be losing your "war criminal" status? *giggle*

S.M. Elliott said...

I'm sure this all ties in to chemtrails somehow. Maybe the little chunks of metal that people are waving around to do "Reichian cloudbusting" have worked...

I'm sure I'm still a war criminal. Any failure to condemn aspartame and tapwater outright is a war crime.