Friday, December 05, 2008

Submitted for Your Approval...

some bizarre ads, clips, and PSAs from days gone by.

A '70s ad about the "pay TV monster". And you thought people were freaked over the conversion to digital...

The person who posted this old Jell-O commercial calls it "borderline" racist. I think it's just racist. You decide. Whatever your opinion, I think we can all agree that Jell-O is NOT a "Western delicacy".

Awful, horrifying educational clip that probably scarred the poor kid for eternity. Enjoy!

Get drunk! Save the whales! This ad makes no sense whatsoever on first viewing, but it's actually John Singleton's weird-ass way of supporting the anti-whaling organization Sea Shepherd.


Karen said...

How on earth do you find this stuff? That poor kid - bad enough if that was to happen in real life but having to make a commercial about it? I can just imagine the problems he'd have at school.

And the jello ad? Definately racist. I don't think I'll eat it ever again. Great western invention, my ass.

S.M. Elliott said...

That poor guy probably still hasn't lived down being in a how-to-talk-to-your-kids-about-pleasuring-yourself movie. Oh, the shame.

I like how the Jell-O ad has the nerve to call that nasty artificial grape flavour "deep, dark, and delicious". ;P

Laura said...
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Laura said...

Yes, the Jello one is very racist. I've seen it before. Poor Chinese baby... :\

I was watching something on Food network about the history of pre-packaged foods and gelatain used to be a delicacy because it was something available only to the rich. The makers of Jello were able to mass produce it and bring it to everyone for cheap, so it was marketed as a great delicacy now available to all. Funny huh?

S.M. Elliott said...

Eek. Things have changed so much, it's easy to forget that this stuff used to be considered "fancy food". Now we know it for what is is: crap in a box.