Thursday, May 12, 2005

Major Ed Dames

There are rumours that Major Ed Dames, some government remote-viewer, is helping Edmonton police with the investigation into the deaths of area prostitutes (another one was found in a field outside the city last Friday). I don't know if this is true, but if it is - I hope they're not actually paying him. I think ESP strikes some people a lot of the time and everyone once in a great while, but I've heard this Dames guy on the radio before. He sounds like a b.s.'er. If he can "see" killers from a distance, why couldn't he use his powers to see the Green River killer, or solve JonBenet's murder, or catch the sicko(s) who killed dozens and dozens of women in Ciudad Juarez?

1 comment:

Hugh said...

Hi! Just passing through via the "next blog" button. You have a nice blog. Very amusing and articulate. Keep writing!