Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Royalty and Knitwits

I won't be posting much as we're dealing with a big fat virus (computer, that is). Also cruising downtown condos. We decided we're not ready to live in the middle of nowhere just yet.
The queen is in Alberta as I type, so that's a very big deal. Naturally, news crews go straight to the nearest knitting creche to ask the knitters' opinions - should Canada shirk the monarchy? And the knitters are so dang busy knitting dog sweaters or whatever that they can't quite remember who the queen is. (Knitters are the new authorities on everything.)


tshsmom said...

You're treading on thin ice here! Why don't you say "nouveau knitters", which differentiates them from us "let's clothe our family on a budget" knitters? There; are you happy now? You finally enticed me into commenting on knitting. Brat!

S.M. Elliott said...

OK, OK, I'll say the "New Knitters" to differentiate between people who knit lovely things you can actually wear (like the sweater you made for Dad, which I wear all the time and the cool Q-Bert mask you made for me one Halloween) and the people who knit mohair toaster cozies or whatever. Happy now? :)

tshsmom said...

I crocheted the Q-Bert mask. The sweater that completed the costume was knitted. hehe

S.M. Elliott said...

I don't know the difference between crocheting and knitting! I just know it was a cool mask.