Thursday, October 13, 2005

Runs with Scissors

Augusten Burroughs (spelled his name "Burrows" previously, sorry 'bout that) has been sued by the foster family he lampooned in his memoir Running with Scissors. They say he inaccurately portayed them as ''an unhygienic, foul, and mentally unstable cult engaged in bizarre and at times criminal activity." Members of the Turcotte family insist they are not pill-poppers and did not have a pervert residing in a shed in their backyard.

I'm eager to see the outcome of this. The Turcottes could be deranged freakazoids, or - as I suspected from the git-go - Augusten Burroughs could be so full of sh** that's he's due to explode at any second.

1 comment:

tshsmom said...

Stand back, he's gonna blow!!!