Saturday, January 14, 2006

James Frey is a liar, but at least he exists.
Underground novelist J.T. LeRoy (see Faux Bro?) is now thought to be a complete hoax, created by two San Francisco musicians and played in public by a 20something designer of trash couture.
This, and Frey's damnable lies, are explained at Swallowing the Camel.

I bought Frey's A Million Little Pieces because, like thousands of other women, I was intrigued by what Oprah's staff had to say about it: "I couldn't put it down."
Well, I put it down. And it was only after seeing Frey on Larry King Live that I picked it up again, even though I already knew The Smoking Gun had exposed his "million little lies".
Watching Frey interviewed by King, I suspected The Smoking Gun was nitpicking. Who cares exactly how many months he spent in jail? I thought. That doesn't mean his entire memoir is a crock; it's about the ravages of addiction, not prison sentences.
However, I hadn't finished the book. I was only halfway through it at the time, and didn't realize that Mr. Frey's crimes and prison time are pivotal plot points in both A Million Little Pieces and its follow-up, My Friend Leonard.
I also didn't realize - because, let's face it, Larry King is about the worst interviewer going - that Mr. Frey had fabricated his role in a tragic accident that occurred in his hometown in 1986.
I was rooting for Frey, I truly was. I cringed when he mentioned that Jerzy Kosinsky (author of a controversial 1965 novel, The Painted Bird) also had problems with readers who tried to sort out fact from fiction, and Larry King jumped in with, "But he killed himself!" I thought, Oh, smooth, Larry, knock a recovering addict right over the edge. Brilliant.
I was thrilled when Oprah phoned in at the end of the show to give her continued support to A Million Little Pieces, telling America that the essential truth of James Frey's experiences is invaluable to thousands of people who found inspiration and enlightenment in his story - the little details, like jail time, aren't as important as the impact the book continues to have.
Then I read the rest of the book. And The Smoking Gun's report.
And now I'm not rooting for Mr. Frey so much anymore. Actually, I think he's a total dink.

The book isn't so hot. It's either underwritten or overwritten; these days, I can't tell. There's a lot of repetition. The words run together, sentences run on, and there's a bizarre use of capitalization that I don't understand. Anyone could write like this. Allow me to demonstrate.

"Today I had to had to had to go to the Store. I walked to the Door and I picked up my Keys and I opened the Door and I stepped out the Door and I closed the Door and I locked it with my Keys. I f***ing locked it with my f***ing Keys."

If you haven't already shelled out your $14.95 ($21.00 Cdn), please don't. There are a million books out there better than this one.


tshsmom said...

I didn't want to read about a recovering addict anyway!
When did you get the stat counter?

Wandering Coyote said...

We had a conversation about this very topic last night at dinner, and a couple of people had seen the Larry King interview, too, and had similar responses to it (I cannot stand the man and just can't bear to watch his show, it's so painful).

Anyhow, the consensus was that the book was good, but should have been categorized in the genre of fiction instead, because in that sense it worked. Why not just ficionalize the whole thing and save yourself some trouble, was the main opinion.

I haven't read the book myself and don't plan to; your example of his prose was enough to put me off. That's so archaic, capitalizing the nouns. Geez.

S.M. Elliott said...

A lot of people are arguing that memoirs shouldn't be taken seriously, anyway. I disagree. A Million Little Pieces and other memoirs that are demonstrably chock-full of invented details should be classified as fiction, or maybe "historical fiction". The problem with Pieces is, it isn't good enough to stand up as fiction. It's only intriguing if it all actually happened.
Frey told he wanted to be "the best writer of my generation." (Actually I think he said "The best f***ing writer of my f***ing generation). I thought, Whoa, dude, you're not the best writer of ANY generation!

The Zombieslayer said...

Dang. I wanted so much to buy that one. Just kidding. Never heard of it.

Be careful about watching too much Oprah. My cousin got laid off and started watching Oprah, then one day she called me with a panicked voice and screamed "my ovaries are getting old!"

I told her she needs to cut down on her Oprah.

S.M. Elliott said...

Hmm. Maybe that's why I freaked out over gray hair. Time to cut back. :)