Thursday, January 12, 2006

Rabbit Kung-Fu

Coming home from work the other day, Richard saw two rabbits leaping up into the air and kicking each other, kinda like in The Matrix. (I thought rabbits fought like hamsters, rolling around and biting each other in a knot of fur, but apparently they don't.) Weird. Posted by Picasa


tshsmom said...

They fight like kangaroos. Unfortunately, they're too dumb to know who won.
I thought you watched Watership Down 4000 times. You should have remembered the fight.

tshsmom said...

Happy blogaversary(2 days ago)!!

S.M. Elliott said...

Thank you! :)

The Zombieslayer said...

No, that's not Kung Fu. One rabbit said to the other "could you scratch right there?"

"Sure," said the other rabbit.

"Ahhhhhh. Perfect. Thanks."

Tshsmom - Well, that one rabbit was pretty tough. Sure the dog killed him, but not without the dog losing a few hit points.

tshsmom said...

ZS, too bad the dog didn't know about the cheat code for "God mode". ;)