Sunday, February 05, 2006

My movie mania has not yet abated. Winter is prime movie time for me because a) The best movies come out during the winter months, and b) This is Canada. What the hell else are we gonna do all winter? Sure, we go for walks during the 3.5 hours of daylight, but after we've defrosted ourselves and eaten dinner that leaves the rest of the evening open.

Tonight we're going to Matchpoint. We always take in Woody Allen movies in the theatre (us and, like, 5 other people). This one is a special treat because it will probably be the first good Woody Allen movie I've ever seen in the theatre. Tomorrow I'm taking advantage of cheap night to see Munich; I'm almost finished with the book, Vengeance. And tonight I'm going to watch Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room.


tshsmom said...

How was ENRON?

S.M. Elliott said...

Haven't watched it yet! I'll let you know.