Monday, March 13, 2006

"Goodbye, children!" Posted by Picasa

Isaac Hayes has quit South Park in protest of the show's "religious intolerance". Interesting, isn't it, how he quit shortly after a show criticizing Scientology (his cult of choice) aired, but he stuck around when Judaism, Catholicism, Mormonism, and Islam were slammed?


tshsmom said...

I read about this in this morning's paper. I didn't know Isaac Hayes was a voice. Not surprising, considering my well-known "love" of South Park. ;)
For some reason, I always thought Hayes was a Black Muslim.

S.M. Elliott said...

Maybe he was at some time. He could be a "cult hopper".

Squirl said...

I did know that Isaac Hayes was on South Park. I didn't know that he was a Scientologist. Interesting...

Laura said...

Scientologists are an awfully touchy bunch.. Check out this article in Fade to Black comdey magazine for a laugh... Gods I miss them...

tshsmom said...

Did you see the new episode? Z was rolling on the floor last night! They changed the character to Darth Chef so the voice would change and they wouldn't need Hayes.