So you might hate Valentine's Day. Maybe it's too commercial for you. Maybe it's annoying. Maybe it's just too @#&* cute. I think it's all of those things. But, it's here to stay so you can either try to a) block it out all day. Good luck with that. Unless you live in the Arctic circle or are autistic, you're not going to be able to ignore the cuteness for a full 24 hours. Sorry. Or you can just b) Roll with it. Get cheesy. Lather on the schmaltz. This year Richard gave me a 10-CD love songs set...hour after hour of superbly cheesy AM radio classics like Cheap Trick's "The Flame", and "Every Time You Go Away", and of course Toto's "Rosanna". And I'm lovin' it. I still don't want a pink hippo or a red gorilla, but some cuteness is good.
I can ignore the schmaltz pretty well, what I can't ignore are the stupid %$!@&^% commercials on the radio and television for KY 2-in-1 lube/massage oil. I'm not kidding. I'm not "offended" by them, I just find them annoying as hell and I don't need to hear them every half hour.
But it's a WARMING oil Laura!! It sure makes the guy's eyes light up on the ad. Poor John will be missing out on all the warm slippery fun. ;)
Liquids that heat up by themselves freak me out. :S
I'm sick to death of the Vermont Teddy Bear ads. I don't care if they're handmade with recycled thread by authentic hippies or whatever, the ads are bloody obnoxious.
I'm celebrating with string cheese. Tah dah!
Actually I love Valentines and valentine cookies.
I like the cupcakes. I usually abstain from cake because of the eggs, but if there was a Valentine cupcake in front of me right now, I'd make an exception. ;)
Rats it didnt go through again. This is the fourth time today. i will try this one more time.
No K Y Jelly here. No thank you. I have a hard time using Vicks Vapor Rub on my chest when I have colds. That turns from hot to cold or somethign like that and it feels weird. I try not to use it unless I have no other choice.
SME you wont eat eggs if they are mixed into something? i know nothing to zilch about vegetarians. So i am asking questions. I am going for now. Hope this goes through Tweets. N.
Nope, no eggs, no dairy. I'll eat pizza once in a while, but I won't buy cheese in the store. When I make pizza at home I use soy mozza.
Oh wow. Never heard of Soy Mozza. I guess I have never looked for it either. I mean its like J's a cow dieabetic and if I didnt know that I wouldnt even know where to look for his milk in the store.
I am sorry but I didnt know you could knock out a rabbits top two teeth. Sorry to hear your Valentines is in the dog house Richard. Maybe by bedtime she will have forgiven you. If not I hope things cool down soon. I love animals also but I would never think you did it on purpose. Rabits are hard to contain esp if they are skitterish like Sophie. But I am no expert so I will shut my mouth now. Hope things get better. Dont they get big teeeth like kids do? I know cats and dogs lose teeth but dont Rabbits?Tweets.
Yeah, but did SME still get to watch LOST? Dying to know what she thought of it... I'm more confused than ever.
It's also possible that my time warp theory was correct, and events experienced by the characters are cyclical. Time travel isn't out of the question either, though I think it's unlikely.
On last week's podcast, Lindeloff mentioned that an anagram was featured in last week's episode. At first I thought it must have been in the brainwashing film Karl was forced to watch, but that was too easy so I looked elsewhere. Now I think the anagram is the name of the biomed research firm owned by Juliet's ex: Mittelos. It's an anagram for "Lost Time". Of course, it's also an anagram for "time slot", so maybe they're just f***ing with us.
OK, they confirmed that Mittelos is Lost Time, though now that I think of it it could've been Time Lost. Either way it explains nothing, heh heh.
I thought Ethan Rom was an anagram for "More Than" because Rom without the H is an unusual spelling, but someone mentioned on another blog that it could be Other Man. Didn't even think of that.
And now I'll stop commenting on Lost, 'cause I'm nerding out again big-time.
Oh, wait, ooone more thing: In "Orientation", Desmond was reading Flann O'Brien's novel "The Third Policeman". This involves a cyclical time warp, albeit an afterlife one.
I actually have an entirely different theory that I'll roll out this week.
AAGHH, I am such a GEEK right now..
Dammit, I just realized I lost some comments here. I'll repost my original comment on Lost tomorrow. @#%&*@.
Oh, and Mittelos was the DHARMA-related firm, not Edmund's company. Geez.
OK, my original comment: At first it was impossible to tell if Desmond was imagining his future or reliving his past, with premonitons of his time on the island. Gradually it became clear we were seeing his past. He might have had psychic flashes about the island, but I doubt it. I think Des developed ESP after his arrival; otherwise, he probably wouldn't have embarked on that race in the first place. Since the jewelry-store lady might have been a figment of Des's imagination, it's not clear if Charlie really is destined to die. However, Des's premonitions haven't failed him so far, and they've all centered around Charlie. So it's not looking good for Charlie.
My opinion of all this is that after 3 years spent in a bunker listening to '70s music, Desmond is a bit daffy. He's having a hard time distinguishing vision from reality. Perhaps he suffered some mild brain injury when the bunker blew.
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