Thursday, February 15, 2007


I know there are people who practically make a profession out of posting bizarre reviews at (see the reviews for Tuscan Whole Milk - if you're in need of a laugh, you'll never regret it). But this one for Johanna Michaelson's The Beautiful Side of Evil takes the cake (I cleaned up the grammer/spelling for easier reading):

"While reading this book on the toilet, I found myself ripping pages out of it in order to wipe the sh** from betweenst my ass. It tries to teach us some garbage about Christian redemption. After getting to page 50, I came down with cancer, lost all my hair, and stopped believing in Santa, all because this book read as though it was written by a dumb monkey. After I finished the book, I burned it in a ritualistic pagan fashion, while dancing NEKKID, to bubbly songs put out by ABBA. Once the pyre burned down to ashes, I spread them upon my naked flesh, and licked it clear in a manner that was befitting of the Great Mother Isis herself. You will love this book, assuming you have no frontal lobe, or some kind of diminshed mental capacity."


tshsmom said...

I take it he didn't like the book? ;)

tweetey30 said...

OH boy. I have never heard of this one and the way it sounds not many have. LOL... Tweets.

tweetey30 said...

Forgot to ask how Sophie is doing? I hope shes not to hurt. Or Richards feelings for that matter. LOL...

S.M. Elliott said...

I posted a comment about Sophie last night, but it disappeared on me! Anyway, she's just fine. Her teeth should grow back in 6-8 weeks and she's in no pain whatsoever. She can chew normally. I think we were a lot more freaked out than she was. I wasn't mad at Richard - in fact I thought HE was grumpy because he was griping about the laundry. He wanted some dark socks done, and I was doing whites. But it's all resolved. No biggies. ;)

Bridget Jones said...

ummmm a tad bit unhappy with it, was he?

S.M. Elliott said...

The funniest part was, I was actually listening to ABBA as I read this. ;D

greatwhitebear said...

ABBA? I gues we DO all have our deep, dark secrets!

I love an honest book review!