Butters is a fighter. She's got shakes that would've put Katharine Hepburn to shame, yet she insists on doing everything she normally does. I honestly thought she wouldn't make it through the night, and today she was racing around as fast as her stiff little legs could go.
We got a pleasant surprise in the mail today: A Christmas package from Richard's son Paul and his wife Juliet in Taiwan, full of groovy goodies like green tea powder and chocolate toothpaste.
What a fun package. Oh, the little thing is cute- poor thing - some kind of nerve damage, huh? I sympathize and essential (or familial) tremors run in our family....
Sme. I am sorry to hear she had the shivers. I hope she is better today. How long do they normally live anyway? I have no idea.
That is cool you got a late x-mas present from Richards family. I read this earlier and just going on memory really. Couldnt remember which child sent it. I know its the one that you are going to go visit sometime this summer. Anyway take care of Butters and hope things get better for her.
Butters is doing pretty well today. She ran around for a while and is still eating like a pig. She's over 2 years old, though, and hamsters don't live much beyond that. Actually she's the oldest hamster I've ever had, since her sister died back in December.
Paul is Richard's oldest. He went to Taiwan to teach English and decided to stay! He's married now and loves it over there. From the photos he sends us, I can't say I blame him.
OK. That is right. I remember you telling me that he was the oldest in one of your e-mails but I didnt know why he was over there. That is great that he likes it. I suppose learning a whole new language isnt easy for them though. I meant who he is teaching. I am happy to hear butters is doing better. Well I suppose. Off to the grind stone for a bit. I have to go get K some clean clothes for when she wakes up. Later N.
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