Thursday, May 24, 2007


Faaar too late (it starts tomorrow), I learned that there's a massive anti-euthanasia conference being held in the city. Terry Schiavo's family and the husband of the woman who chairs the one-act committee will be speaking tomorrow night. Ugh. I need to pay closer attention to what's happening around here so I don't miss out on stuff like this. Forced euthanasia is a big concern of mine.


tshsmom said...

We promise we won't put you to sleep! ;)

S.M. Elliott said...

I'm not worried about ME! ;D
It's the people who aren't put to sleep who suffer the effects, anyway. Any society that thinks it's better to kill their elderly and disabled rather than care for them is one I don't want to live in.

tweetey30 said...

Yikes. I have never heard the term before. Can we put my mother out like that?? LOL.... Then when we come home in July we can just visit with your parents and Ken. LOL...

Laura said...

Rather than march against euthanasia, why don't they advocate for everyone to have, and continually update a living will? Advocate for discount legal services for doing so and the like?

S.M. Elliott said...

No, Tweets, we can't put your mom to sleep just yet. ;D

Laura, that's a good point. Too many anti-euthanasia folks shy away from living wills because they were promoted by pro-euthanasia orgs like Hemlock, but it's living wills that could clear up a lot of this mess. If your wishes are clearly stated in a legal document, no one can bicker over what you might have said off-handedly a decade ago.

Bridget Jones said...

me too, SME. Have read of several cases of waking ups...agree with your comments totally.

La Cremiere said...

lol @ Tweets comment...

I'm going to take a chance here and give my unrequested uninformed, not completely thought-through opinion but I am, to some extend, in favour of euthanasia.

As I see it, when I am old, have become a burden to my kids, that my hubby, friends, parents, loved ones have passed on, Or if I become crippled and unable to look after myself or suffer greatly from a horrible painful disease... I want to go now, I don't want to hang around for death to pick me up. It may sound strange that I gave it some thought but I am serious, if people are determined to die they should be allowed to, of course, I understand the consequences and related circumstances, like children pressuring parents to inherit, and a sick patient being unfit to make this huge decision by himself and family suing the hospitals, etc. Still, there must be a way not to abuse this; and maybe it involves mental fitness test, psychologist, and a full proof contract.

S.M. Elliott said...

I'm fine with people requesting to have themselves taken off life support, via a living will. What I object to is families feuding over the decision, and doctors making the final decision without any family input or regard for the wishes of the patient (which is now legal in Canada). This is a choice that only individuals can make; not spouses or ex-spouses, siblings, or physicians.