Spent my Friday night spring cleaning, organizing, sorting, and rearranging. I love doing this from time to time, just overhauling everything. Living in a small space requires some creativity and heavy organizational skills; it's a challenge I actually enjoy. Now our home is a little more streamlined, much cleaner, and a little prettier. *patting my own back*
Best of all, I didn't have any funky mishaps like I've been experiencing all week (yet). And I had fun listening to Ron White, "The Worst of American Idol", and Fawlty Towers DVDs while I hauled and puttered. Sophie wasn't impressed with the Idol rejects; she prefers opera and chamber music. My rabbit is a snob.
You have now idea how happy this makes me! At least I raised ONE organized kid.
I know it isn't Z's fault, but it gets to me sometimes. :(
Sophie wants her Spear and Magic Helmet!
You mean there's a CD for the worst of Idol? I never knew! I'm going to try to get ahold of one! I love Fawlty Towers. I just downloaded all of them and am looking forward to sitting back and having a good laugh.
Not many men are into organizing, not even the tidy ones. ;D
The Worst of A.I. DVD is hilarious...lots of outtakes, arguments, scary people. Sophie was annoyed the whole time it was playing, but as soon as I put on Fawlty Towers she settled down to watch. I swear, this bunny is a PBS/CBC Radio addict.
Well, at least she has good taste. I loooove Fawlty Towers. I know 'em all line for line, and they're still funny.
Heh, I am having to organize too, but for a different reason. Moving means having to face the harsh reality that is my clutter. A lot of it will have to go because there's no way I'm packing it up to deal with it in a new place. I've never heard of the "worst of idol" DVD, but sounds entertaining. H is out of town for a week and a half, so that would be a good way to get a few laughs. Happy weekend!
Moving's a great way to pare down...'cause you have no choice! ;D
Best of luck with unpacking and settling in; I hope the chaos doesn't last long for you.
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