Friday, June 01, 2007

Misheard Lyrics of the '70s

1."I had a dream there were clowns in my coffee, clowns in my coffee [I had a dream there were clouds in my coffee...]" - You're So Vain, Carly Simon

2. "Wrapped up like a douche [revved up like a deuce/another runner in the night]" - Blinded by the Light, Manfred Mann's Earth Band ("cut loose like a deuce" in Bruce Springsteen's original)

3. "no more will my green seagull turn a deeper blue/I could not foresee this thing happening to you [no more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue/I could not foresee this thing happening to you]" - Paint it Black, The Rolling Stones


Karen said...

Nope, nope, and ?? definately nope. Darn it...why couldn't you have drawn "massage in a brothel" or "there's a bathroom on the right". Those I definately would have guessed!

S.M. Elliott said...

I thought about bathroom on the right! Too easy, though...50% of the population gets that one wrong. ;D

I didn't use super-obsure ones, like John Prine's "half an enchilada and you think you're gonna drown" instead of "half an inch of water..." (who drowns in enchiladas, anyway? Seriously?)

To be honest, #3 might be just my own misunderstanding...

Wandering Coyote said...

Uh, no nothing's coming to mind...But I don't know a lot of music from that time, either. Looking forward to the answers, though.

La Cremiere said...

Two clowns in a cup of tea
A can of aerosol with wrapped in pink ribons and a worm stiking out
A green (very cute) bird turning blue
Must be a Beatles song like Lucie In the Sky with Diamonds 'cos they were high on LSD anyway.

However David Bowie was very good at writing (and singing) absolute nonesense.

I need more clues...

S.M. Elliott said...

LC, you're close on the bird IS a classic Brit band that did a lot of drugs...

Tea's close, too. Think of another caffeinated beverage.

ZC said...

What type of bird is it? (And don't say "a flying one" either, I want a breed)

S.M. Elliott said...

It's a seagull. A flying seagull.

tshsmom said...

You're So Vain! How did I miss that?
I forgot that you used to sing it that way!
The other 2 still have me stumped. :(

S.M. Elliott said...

Very GOOD!
I think you'd get the second one, too, if my drawing was more accurate. It looks too much like a gas can.
The third one...well, Z might be on to something, but it's a toughie. I'm not sure anyone else translated that lyric quite the same way as me.

tshsmom said...

The 2nd one looks like a gift-wrapped water bottle to me. Still stumped.

Wandering Coyote said...

"you're so vain?" How did you get that?

SME, you must also tell us what you thought the lyric was! Otherwise I'm lost!

Wandering Coyote said...

All right! Now they make total sense!

tweetey30 said...

I have no idea at all on any of them. Then again my brain is spacy from this cold.

Laura said...

Wow... those are funny. Clowns in my coffee.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I never knew those were the words to Paint it Black. I used to like that song, until every long haired cover band in the late 80s covered it.

S.M. Elliott said...

I clap my hands over my ears whenever I hear a cover of Paint it Black. It's so wrong.

Anonymous said...

You need sex!!