Friday, September 28, 2007

Fame, or something.

Now how cool is this? My "weirdest/stupidest conspiracy theories" post got a mention in The National Review Online Corner (thanks to Justin at Skull/Bones for the heads-up!). It's also on Boing Boing. At the moment, Swallowing the Camel is also the #1 hit when you google "weirdest conspiracy theories".


tshsmom said...

Can I have your autograph? ;)

S.M. Elliott said...

Um, you probably have one around there somewhere. ;D

Richard's famous too; he's mentioned on the Screw Loose Change blog. They picked up part of an interview he did with a Vancouver paper where he said his family didn't agree with him, so Screw Loose Change extrapolated this to say he has "family strife". So I commented that there is no "strife". We just don't agree. People can actually do that without being a-holes about it, y'know?

tshsmom said...

The only autographs you left were forgeries of Dad's signature that we used on the car license. :0

Yeah, no strife here. We both respect each other's views, even if we don't agree. We even hugged on it! I may have to go to that blog and set them straight! ;)

Wandering Coyote said...

Enjoy the fame! I'm having a huge spike in my traffic due to image searches for various celebrities...Strange...I guess premiere week has people wanting scoop.

Wandering Coyote said...

Just read it all. Very entertaining! It's nice to have so much traffic, eh?

S.M. Elliott said...

It's been entertaining, that's for sure.
You seem to be HQ for celebrity circumcision, too, WC. I can't figure that one out.

Anonymous said...

Yay! You're famous. :)

So, completely unrelated. After watching the band Birthday Massacre live, I ran out and bought Lewis Carroll's books. I've never read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland nor the sequel, so thought I should. I just thought I'd say that because of your avatar.

I'm mostly done with the 1st book and it's actually pretty funny. Alice needs to pay more attention in class.

S.M. Elliott said...

Dude, you'd never read Alice in Wonderland?! That is criminal. Congratulations for catching up at last. For a real treat, read Martin Gardner's annotated edition so you can actually find out what the frick "'Twas Brillig" is about.

I should mention that one of my runners-up for stupidest conspiracy theory, tho it's not really a conspiracy, is that Carroll was Jack the Ripper and disguised clues in anagrams throughout Alice.

Marilyn Manson is working on a biopic of Carroll right now. I'm curious to see what he does with that...

Wandering Coyote said...

I know. I post ONE story nearly 3 years ago about a botched home circumcision and all of a sudden I'm Celebrity Circumcision Central.

Jesus. That's a great title. CCC. I love it!

S.M. Elliott said...

Heh heh, I'd google that to see if it's taken already, but I'm afraid of what I'd find.

Shawn said...

I hate to be the one to point out the obvious...but the spike you've experienced could be part of conspiracy.

I'm just saying...if the government can cover up the fact that Elvis was an alien and that the Roswell crash was his cousin coming to visit him in Vegas...then...

S.M. Elliott said...

You're right, Shawn. They might be after me. *locking doors, arming alarm system, waiting patiently with a baseball ball*

tshsmom said...

Shawn, you were gone when she got accused of being a CIA mole. I guess we don't have to worry about her when she's one of the bad guys. ;)