Saturday, September 01, 2007

Movie Woes

So I thought of taking in a movie tonight, but what to see? The Simpsons movie is on my to-view list, but I'm just not in the mood for obnoxiously colorful (not to mention jaundiced-looking) cartoon characters. Super Bad looks, well, super bad. Becoming Jane is a wash because I don't give a flying fig about Jane Austen's personal life - her books are dull enough, thanks. I thought Death Sentence with Kevin Bacon looked somewhat intriguing, until I checked Rotten Tomatoes and saw it has a 17% rating. Not that I put all my faith in the critics... but 17% is NOT GOOD. To give you a frame of reference: Ishtar has a 19% rating. Ishtar. Think about that.

Plus, the reviews were not kind.
"Only drinking a pint of paint-stripper would leave a nastier taste in the mouth".
"Awesomely bad."
"Literally laughable."
"slap-dash, sleazy, and unsophisticated"
"Kill this movie."
And most directly, "Death Sentence is certainly not a good movie."

I'll pass.


Gardenia said...

I'm with you - I always thought Jane Austin was boring. I've been reading books on J. Edgar Hoover, Hillary Clinton, and Ronald Reagan. Tee hee, not boring.

You're gonna think I'm nuts, but two movies I ordinarily would not watch but liked were the one that rides motorcycles while his head burns - "Ghost Rider?" and "Mr. Bean goes on Vacation." Am I losing it?

S.M. Elliott said...

I confess, I love Mr. Bean - so nope, I don't think you've lost it. "Ghost Rider", well, I'm not so sure...but hey, I did like "Spiderman" so why not?

tshsmom said...

Gardenia, I was surprised with Ghost Rider too! My guys rented it, so I watched it. It was surprisingly well done. ;)
Mr. Bean is another story. I can't stand Mr. Bean, although SME has always liked him. :(

S.M. Elliott said...

I might just have to give "Ghost Rider" a chance. What can I say about Mr. Bean? Either you like him or you don't.

Anonymous said...

I liked Stardust. It's still playing. Not a flawless movie, but fun. Plus, Michelle Phieffer rocks as a bad guy.

S.M. Elliott said...

"Stardust" is a possibility. I wasn't hugely impressed with the book, but it was OK.