Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sophie & Bandit: Freaks of Nature II


tshsmom said...

Those pictures would make an excellent Christmas ornament. Sorta like the lion and the lamb.

After seeing Hairry's performance with your hamsters, I have a feeling that he'd be just like Bandit with Sophie.

tshsmom said...

Hey, would you save those pics as jpegs and email them to me? Grandma and Grandpa would get a HUGE kick out of them!

S.M. Elliott said...

Yep, will do. It's a little like the Lion and the Lamb, but more like the Very Patient Dog and the Very Aggressive Bunny Who Likes to Sit on Warm Stuff. Last night she actually leaped from the sofa arm a couple feet to the chair just to land on poor Bandit.

Karen said...

Now I want a bunny. And a dog. And a sprite...

S.M. Elliott said...

Go for the Sprite. It's not as cute as a dog or a bunny, but you won't have to feed it or take it outside to pee. ;D

tweetey30 said...

Those are so cute. Bri sat on my lap for ten minutes last night looking at them. She kept asking why the bunny was on the dog though. Cute...

S.M. Elliott said...

Tell Bri we couldn't figure it out either...I think she just wasn't willing to give up "her" chair to anyone. Also, Bandit was probably warm and comfy to sit on. ;D

The Zombieslayer said...

The bunny doesn't try to eat the dog? Weird. How did you manage that?

S.M. Elliott said...

I was totally worried about that! Yeah, bunnies look sweet 'n fuzzy-wuzzy, but cross 'em just once and they'll get all Night of the Lepus on your ass.

I still can't figure out which of these two critters is most confused...

tshsmom said...

Like we said yesterday SME: Bandit is one AMAZING dog!