Thursday, January 03, 2008

Any suggestions for stuff to do alone on your birthday?

I don't have many plans. I'll probably webcam with the fam for a bit, open their presents to me, and have some leftover lentil soup. Richard will be working in the evening.

There's a Peter Greenaway double feature at my favourite arthouse theatre, but that's hardly a pick-me-up, is it?

Hmm, reviewing 2006's b-day post, I realize that birthday wasn't much different. Richard was working then, too, so I just had some carrot cake at Starbucks and played Bookworm. This apparently didn't depress me at the time, prob'ly 'cause I wasn't officially freakin' old yet.

I finished off the lentil soup tonight, so maybe I'll indulge in some Wok Box, skip The Draughtsman's Contract, and just go to A Zed and Two Noughts. That's one of my faves. On second thought I'll skip it: I've already seen, after all. I picked up The Fall, one of Greenaway's early films, at the library instead.

This morning I did what most people probably do alone on their birthdays: shopped. I bought some 2nd-hand books on the "face of Mars" (something I'll tackle on Swallowing the Camel), and just to prove I'm well-balanced I got a copy of Skeptic magazine and a Fortean Times. I'm not really a skeptic in the hardcore sense, anyway; when I hear of something outrageous (not implausible, but outrageous), I think Meh, I guess that's possible, and look into it. I try not to think skeptically too often, for fear I'll end up a curmudgeon - that's fine if you're a retired physicist or a magician or something, but bizarre if you're a 30-year-old housefrau like me.


tweetey30 said...

Happy early B-day. Kora and I were going through the calendar looking at B-days. She wanted to know when hers is compared to the day of week we are now. So I showed her. I showed her that yours is tomorrow,and then hers, our twin nephews, and then mine and then Jeff's younger brother John. Lots of B-days in January...

HAPPY B-DAY though.. Enjoy it..

Karen said...

Hmmm, how about skipping the lentil soup, ordering in your favourite take out, a hot bubble bath and a great dvd? Sure kinda boring but you can always whoop it up with the hubby later :)

S.M. Elliott said...

Yep, lots of early-in-the-year birthdays. There are tons in February here, including Richard's sister's and her husband's one day apart.

Problem is my favourite takeout is pizza, and I don't know if that would make me feel better or just worse! ;D
I could go for some Wok Box, though. And I haven't watched "The Departed" yet.

tshsmom said...

No problem!
Just get up early and celebrate the day with your honey...have dinner together...send him off to work...then take a nap.
OLD people NEED to take naps. ;)

S.M. Elliott said...

Hardy har har har. ;P
But now that you mention it, a nap does sound pretty good...

Karen said...

Oooh the Wok Box. I haven't been there in a long time - mmmm. GO for it!

tweetey30 said...

Hey no ideas but the girls made you cards. I will mail them tomorrow or Monday.. Sorry they will be late but its the thought that counted...

S.M. Elliott said...

Aw, that's so sweet! Tell them thanks in advance for me!! :D

Gardenia said...

Shopping and soup is good. I also have: bought a cake and ate it all with ice cream, drank champaign and orange juice all day, and watched movies all day, felt sorry for myself, enjoyed myself, slept, and ate some more. Not a bad birthday either!

tshsmom said...

Oh great, now you'll attract that weird Mars guy again. The TIs are bad enough. ;)

I don't know, I thought the 4 of us(6 if you count Hairry and Sophie) had a terrific time for an hour or so.'re still wrinkle free!
Love YOU!
I'll probably see you later when Dad talks to you.

S.M. Elliott said...

It's been a great birthday. I'll webcam with dad later, read my mags, watch some docs from the library, and chow down on some Wok Box stirfry. Then, champagne with Richard. Can't beat that with a stick! And I console myself with the fact that I don't have any wrinkles but Angelina Jolie does.

S.M. Elliott said...

Aw c'mon, Mom, the Mars guy is fun! In a totally deranged, what-the-hell-happened-to-this-guy-in-his-childhood?! sort of way!