Bored out of my skull. Richard is away for the whole night, harrassing some obnoxious politician with 9/11-themed questions. I didn't go because A.) I abhor politics, politicians, and politicking and avoid these things like most people avoid man-eating animals or the Ebola virus, and B.) Richard will be accompanied by a smarmy little shit who begins every sentence addressed to me with "See, here's where you're wrong..." Richard didn't leave any money with me, either, so I can't go to a cafe or take in The Orphanage or anything. My entertainment options are pretty much limited to the library and crappy Monday-night TV. Whheeee.
This cheers me up a little: The only thing worse than Robert Palmer's store-mannequin backup "musicians".
GREAT, now you depressed ME! "Crappy Monday night TV" is the highlight of my week. ;)
You could always finish filling out your passport application...
Already done with that. I watched "Intervention" and "Paranormal State", which has GOT to be (I hope!!) the dumbest new show on TV.
Richard's night didn't go so well, either - security took one look at Smarmy Shit's camera equipment and freaked out on them. They were allowed in (it was a town hall meeting), but barely.
Dont you hate when men forget that we need to get out too?? Jeff does that from time to time and it just annoys me.
See, here's where you're wrong: if you were addicted to the excellent show Prison Break, your evening wouldn't have been a bust!
I wish I could get into prison dramas - both Oz and Prison Break are said to be excellent. They tend to depress me, though.
C'mon, admit it, you giggled a little when Smarmy got hassled, didn't you?
I had a positively THRILLING evening! I made potato soup, watched 2 1/2 Men and CSI:Miami, then I went to bed.
Tonight, I will make Mexican Beef and Beans, watch NCIS and House, then go to bed. Do you see a pattern here?
I'm starting to make out a pattern, yeah. ;D
Last night I made a disastrous vegan "meatloaf" that was as hard as granite and almost as tasty, and miso gravy that was probably the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. The potatoes were the only edible part of the meal. FAIL.
Tonight I'll make some tofu stew, which I can't screw up, pop some Midol, and either take advantage of cheap night to see "The Orphanage" or watch a DVD. The only thing worse than Monday-night TV is Tuesday-night TV!
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