Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Taiwan: Mountain Road Trip Videos

A few short videos I took while we drove through the Central Mountains of Taiwan. For some reason I can't embed these without typing in an incredibly long code, so I'll just give the links...


Notta Wallflower said...

Looks like you had quite a trip. My husband's family is from Taiwan, so they go there often. H said it's pretty tropical. Some of the scenery you have photographed reminds me a little bit of Hawaii.

Laura said...

I agree... That TOTALLY looks like Upcountry Maui. Especially in some of the poorer areas where people were living in little houses (shacks?) on the side of a mountain road.

So pretty!

tweetey30 said...

It looks so neat to see. I am glad you got to witness this and go and visit.

S.M. Elliott said...

It really is a great place to visit - inexpensive, not yet touristy, tropical, and quite beautiful.

La Cremiere said...

Wow, what a nice road trip. For some reason I thought you went to Haiwi - (I'm weird I know!) Never been to Taiwan - My mom (Kitem) was in Macao (Hong Kong) last week you can check out her blog agardeninfrance - I'd like to go to China personally.