Wednesday, August 20, 2008


It's been one of those weeks. With Richard's 9/11 Truth conference just around the corner, he's been very nervous and busy. Then I learned that one of the speakers, in addition to making some really bizarre comments about Amy Goodman, also has disturbing opinions on the Holocaust. I was suddenly caught between supporting my man's work (even though I don't agree with the conclusions of Truthers) and following my conscience. My conscience won the battle and I will not be attending or supporting the conference in any way, but to say that was an easy decision would be a lie. This is extremely awkward for me.


Wandering Coyote said...

Oh, yes, very awkward. I hope Richard is supportive of your decision, though.

Laura said...

Conspiracy nuts in general annoy me, but I can usually tolerate them. But I draw the line at holocaust deniers (I assume that is the case - if not, do explain, I'm curious). There's only so much crazy I can deal with.

tshsmom said...

That's our line too, Laura! You pegged it!

S.M. Elliott said...

He does indeed tiptoe the denialist line. He's not a full-blown denier (yet...), but he says that because of "Zionist Big Lies vis-a-vis Palestine" he "can't possibly dismiss" the work of people like David Irving. To me, that roughly translates: "Since Jews are liars, we can't possibly trust them when it comes to the Holocaust." I can accept rather high levels of paranoia, but Holocaust denial leaves paranoia far behind and sets up permanent camp in the Land of Stupidity.