Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sophie's Bunching Frenzy

If only humans could amuse themselves as easily as bunnies do, we could finally get rid of things like online poker and Adam Sandler movies...


tweetey30 said...

She is so cute. You know Snowie goes nuts every so often. I wonder sometimes if its like the same thing for cats?? They just make a race track of the house.

S.M. Elliott said...

Dogs do it too sometimes; they'll tuck in their tails and zip around like they've gone bonkers. I guess critters just need to let off some steam now and then.

tshsmom said...

Bunch, bunch, bunch...HEY, you with the camera, you got FOOD? Sniff, sniff, sniff...didn't think so...bunch, bunch, bunch...

zydeco fish said...

Hilarious. I am with you on the Adam Sandler thing. Man oh man, I have no idea why he is famous.

S.M. Elliott said...

Bunching is serious business. ;D

S.M. Elliott said...

Adam Sandler reminds me of a little kid who does something stupid/goofy, gets a laugh out of it, then proceeds to do that same thing OVER and OVER again.