A bit under the weather the past two days. And now Butters isn't doing well. She's nearing 2.5 years and her age has started to show in the last three weeks or so; her hips seem to give her trouble, she has tumors on her back, and there's a dark spot on her tail. Not that it slowed her down much! Just yesterday she was in her plastic ball, harassing the hell out of the bunny. Last week she crawled up my arm to grab hunks off the sandwich I was eating. We've been spoiling her a little extra - treats to make her last days special, like bites of blueberry muffin and even a taste of Richard's ice cream. Today her breathing is shallow and she can only lay in her little igloo. (She tried to climb up on top of it earlier, and needed a boost) So, I'll be staying close to the hammie for a while. I'll post when I get the chance. In the meantime, a couple of critter pics.
Monday, February 19, 2007
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oh, come on! How cute are they?!? Crazy cute! I love buns and small guys- so much cuteness in a little package.
Oh, they're cute all right. And they know it. The bunny knows how to work that cuteness to the max. ;D
Awwww, poor bunny. My mother just lost a dog - I thought he had cancer, she thought I was nuts - but yep, also had a broken leg from the tumor on the bone - now we are wondering if pet feed is the culprit??????
awwww. They are cute! I just don't think I could deal with small-animal pets. Just from a practical standpoint, they don't live very long and I know I'd get attached and not deal well with the end time... I don't know how you do it.
It is rough with the hamsters. We get sooo attached to the little buggers, and before we know it they're gone. Butters and Tweak were the 3rd pair we've had in 6 years.
Plus all the hamsters and rats you had here! We've all been on that rollercoaster. :(
They are so cute. I have to say though and I didnt notice this when you e-mailed me the one with Butters and Sophie. It actually looks like Butters is pulling Sophies ear though. LOL.. It looked like she was trying to get bunny to play with her. I hope things are well with them tonight. Tweets.
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