Tuesday, March 06, 2007

More Inbox Humour + Why I Might Be an Evolutionary Dead End

In today's Achewood, Ray the hip-hop bear doesn't understand those gibberish spam emails and thinks "Gravity Train" from "Leon Sumbitches" could be "the most important new dance song of the year." ;D

In the news (from the AP): "A new study of why broccoli and Brussels sprouts taste too bitter to some people but are liked by others have revealed that it’s all in our genes: being wary of bitterness enabled the ancestors of some of us to survive.
Researcher Stephen Wooding says that the ability to taste or not taste bitter foods might have played a role in human evolution and may today account for such health-related behaviors as smoking and vegetable consumption."

So...since I love broccoli and Brussels sprouts, and my parents smoke, does this mean my ancient ancestors were morons who would eat anything? :S


tshsmom said...

I don't like brussels sprouts, and you don't smoke, so I think there's still hope for us. ;)

tweetey30 said...

You know when I was a kid I could peel a lemon and eat it like an orange. LOL.. But seriously I could. I still like grapefruit to this day. My real dad smoked until he got throat cancer and my mom she eats just about anything LOL...

Cherie said...

Hmmm....some questions are better left unanswered, huh...


S.M. Elliott said...

Now I feel a little better - I liked lemons too. ;)

tweetey30 said...

LOL.. Yes anything sour really and still do. I havent had a lemon like that in years but still like sour things. LOL... J thinks I am crazy. Maybe I am but you never know.

agussman_work said...

Ray is a cat.

The Zombieslayer said...

Ah, if taste is in our genes, that would explain why English food is so bad. It's their genetics. They have no tastebuds. I was right.

S.M. Elliott said...

Ray's a CAT? Damn, they all look alike. The only species I can identify is the otter kid.

tshsmom said...

Ah-ha!! Airman DOES read blogs! Are you reading mine too?
Apparently he only comments when a critique is necessary! ;)
Love ya sweetie!