Thursday, June 07, 2007

Fun with Junk Mail

I love spam. It's cheap entertainment.

from Edna X. Melton: "Joseph the Worker, Foster Father of Jesus, And Other Lenten Surprises Burnt Marshwiggle Said"

*Just in time for Easter!*


Laura said...

Um. Oh-kaaaaay.

I think my favorite Spam subject line (I never open them to see what goodies await me) was "Penis Launcher"... I was ALMOST tempted to see what that was all about.

It reminded me of Real Genius:

Mitch: What's that?
Chris: It's a penis stretcher, wanna try it?
Mitch: NO!

S.M. Elliott said...

My fave was "HUGE PENIS cleanse". Is this a cleanse that will give you a huge penis, or a cleanser for penises that are already huge? ;D

But a launcher...that's different. Reminds me of Austin Powers. "It's not mine!"